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Kg. Morten, Malacca, Malaysia
Me and Allah knows myself best!!

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Selasa, Mac 21, 2006


Assalamualaikum wbt.
Before I start on posting the fatwa, I would like to tell you about the writer. He is Dr. Yusuf Abdullah Al-Qardhawi. He was born in 1926, in Sifit Turab, Egypt. At the age of 2, his father passed away and was taken by his uncle.
At the age of 5, he learn to write and memorised Al-Qurana and at te age of 7, he went for a school. He was so eager to learn a lot of things, even it is not in the sillibus. at the age of 10, he finished memorising Al-Quran, fluently and perfect in tajwid.
Because of his expertise in Quran, he was call 'Syeikh Qardhawi' and always being pick as imam in his village.
In 1952, he was accepted to further his study in University Al-Azhar in Cairo, in Islamic studies until he get Syahadah Aliyah (maybe it's the same as degree). Then, in 1957, he enter Ma'had al-Buhuts Wad Dirasat al-Arabiyah al-Aliyah, until he get a degree in language and literature.
In the same time, he take Quran and Sunnah Studies in Cairo, finished in 1960. In his intake, he was the only one who pass that subject (the exam was very tough).
And now he was known as a famous scholar and ulama'. He wrote a lot of book and article in the media, including the book i'm using (in malay : Fatawa Qardhawi - Permasalahan, pemecahan dan hikmah. Sorry).
He was inspired by Ibnu Taimiyah, Hasan al-Banna, Rashid Ridha and Sayid Sabiq. He don't people to narrow their thought and follow (taqlid) certain mazhab (school of teaching). He make islam easy, by looking the current situation.
Currently, he was the highest person in University of Qatar. He was also the director of 'Sunnah and History Of The Prophet Research Center' (Al-markaz Al-Buhuts Lis Sunnah was Sirat An-Nabawiyah) in the same university.

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