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Kg. Morten, Malacca, Malaysia
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Isnin, Disember 04, 2006

Collapsing A Musolla : Done by an Islamic Government.

It's been a long time i didn't write in my blog. Don't have the mood to update it. Anyway, have to keep writing my though, knowledge, and updates about our world and muslim's life.

At this time, I have something to share about what really happens in Malaysia. A country that claims to be an "Islamic Country" and the Prime Minister "Pak Lah" is the Presiden of OIC (Oo I see!!). Yeah! Just read the title and I know some of you will be asking "What is this all about?". It's a reality and it happens here.

Lately, when i was reading, I was shocked when i read the news about another musolla (place for prayer) in Kampung Berembang have been collapsed by MPAJ (Municipal Of Ampang Jaya).Before this in Terengganu (if I'm not mistaken). And now in Selangor. I have seen the video about the act and i think you can see it too. Just click here =

I don't know what is the source of this order for MPAJ to be mean to the villagers and destroying the 40-years old building. I'm still investigating to find the core problem. But what i can deduct is, this not supposedly been done by the government. Forget about collapsing the sacred place even if it was being controlled by PAS. That not the solid reasons to destroy it. Not only the building belongs to the villagers, it is also "Allah's home" a place where we pray everyday. So why would an Islamic government want to do that?

What if i'm the government? If it is a case of illegal land, chasing and collapsing their house is ok, but we must inform them and make a deal. But not a mosque. I will definitely not going to demolish it.

What if i'm the officer of MPAJ? Hell no, i'm going to abide to that order. I'd rather being fired and find a new job than creating a sin and get Allah's anger.

When i see the footage, deep inside my heart i can feel the same feeling of not only loosing their home, but also their place to pray.

Outside Malaysia, muslims protect their mosque from the kuffar. But here, we protect our mosque from muslim itself. What the heck is this? What is the purpose of building a big beautiful mosque in Putrajaya when the people who pray in it can be count? Outsiders may find Malaysia is an Islamic country by the cover, but rotten inside.

If the government is like this, what can we do? We must remind them about their mistake (send memorandum, held a peace gathering) as they're also muslim. If that don't work, we have to take them down, a select the rightful parties to governt malaysia. I do hope, one day Malaysia will be governt by umara' made by ulama'.

Sabtu, September 16, 2006

Halal And Tayyibah

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

In Malaysia, we have heard a lot of news about what we eat here. This cannot eat, that cannot eat because of non Halal and non Tayyibah. There are some foods are halal, but their license for halal had expired. This situation created aruckus to the Muslims in malaysia especially those who are con cern with everything that they eat.

Why we need halal and tayyibah?

As Allah S.W.T had explained in the Holy Quran, in Al-Maidah, verse 88
"Eat of the things which Allah hath provided for you, lawful and good; but fear Allah in whom ye believe"

What we eat will become part of our body and it will affect ourself. If we eat something bad or haram, it will be part of our body and your life will not be blessed until you seek forgiveness from Him. But if we eat good food and halal, it will also be part of our body and our life will be blessed and it give healthy and strong body.

Whether the food is halal and tayyibah, the parameter is not only by the ingredient. It can also be measured by te source of that food. If the food come from the source which is not good, such as riba, the food is haram for you to eat.

The is a story of a great sahabah, Saiyidina Abu Bakar (correct me if i'm wrong), he was given a milkby his peasent. While he was drinking that milk, he asked his peasent "Where did you get this milk". His peasent said "Before this I work as a fortune teller and this milk was given as a reward to me when i meet him (the person which he tells the fortune long ago) at the market. Hearing that, Abu Bakar stops drinking the milk and tried to spill out the milk that he had drinked before.

We can see how serious the sahabah about halal and tayyibah. And I'm glad malaysian are quite aware about this issue. My credits goes to PPIM (persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia) or in english "Malaysian Islamic Consumer Association" for their work in identifying which products are not halal and tayyibah and also not forget Jakim.

Whenever we want to eat something or use something, make sure it has the sign halal on the package, clean and safe to use. Wallahua'lam.

Selasa, Ogos 22, 2006

Fatwa #3

Sorry for not posting for such a long time. Anyway this is the 3rd fatwa.

Question :
What caused our faith to be cancel?

Answer :

Every human, when they recite shahadatain, they must obey and follow all the rules that has been set. They will be no questioning on the rules that has been clearly stated in the Holy Book (Al-Quran). In Surah Al-Azhab , verse 36 :

"It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path."

So, if someone disobey one or some of the rules, take it easy or making fun on the rules, they are considered 'murtad' (apostation). It is because all the rules that has been stated in the Quran has been strengthen in the Hadith dan revised by ijma' ulama'. So, whoever go against it, that means they go against the Quran And Hadith.

Disobeying the rules means 'kufur', but only for muallaf because they are lack of information and need to be taught and for those who are isolated from information such as in the forest or far from muslimin's community. But in this era, we have a lot of media to deliver message, so all should know the rules, and there are no exception for those who knows and they need to deliver it to those who did not know.


Sabtu, Mei 13, 2006

Save Palestinian Government

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Dear muslim, before this, I hear everywhere, there's a voice said : "Save palestin, drive the kuffar" Yeah, that the time after Isreal forces make their way into Palestin and conquer the land.

But, Alhamdulillah. Allah has given His help by making Hamas won in their election. This is a shock to the world where Hamas before entering election is not a political parties. But they won. People of Palestin put their trust on Hamas as they were oppressed by the Israel.

And for the muslim, they were relieved. Those whose before fighting for the independence of Palestin stopped as they think their mission has accomplished and there no need to do anything. They feel that Islam have won and there no need for Jihad.

But, don't think like that. Our battle is not finish yet. Even though Hamas is ruling the land, they were still being pressed by the kuffar. The Hamas government is currently facing with the issue of funds and econimics of Palestin. So, we do still have the responsibility to help our brothers.

In my country, we (Pas) is making a fund raising campaign to help Palestin. We hope that with our little help can give some life to the new born government. Let us pray for the well-being of Hamas government and for the birth of new islamic government in Malaysia that we are fighting right now. Hamas have prove it, why can't make it too?

Rabu, Mei 10, 2006

Fatwa #2

People who recite the Syahadah, definitely will go to heaven.

Question :
What if a person during his life, he commit munkar, but at his death, he recite the syahadah?

Answer ;
Whoever dies in Islam, means he declare himself as Islam and recite the Syahadah, he have the chance to be in heaven.

He have the right to be in heavens even if he is not among those who enters heavens earlier (he enters last). This is because, before he can enter heaven, he must be punish in hell for he has done wrong during his life (which he have no ask for forgiveness). But he will not be forever in hell, as he has a bit of iman in his heart. In Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, there’s a hadith :

1) From Abu Dzar R.A , he tells that Rasulullah (PBUH) said : “Whoever recite ‘Laa ilaaha Illallaah’ and then dies, he surely will enters heaven”
2) From Anas R.A, Rasulullah (PBUH) said : “ Those who recite ‘Laa Ilaaha Illallaah’ will come out from hell, even if he have a tiny iman in his heart.”
3) From Anas R.A, he tells that Rasulullah (PBUH) has said that : “Gabriel have come to me and give me a good news, that whoever dies in condition that he did not make allies for Allah S.W.T, he will definitely enters heavens, even if he is thief and have commit adultery” He (PBUH) said this twice.

It is easy to enter heavens. But don’t ever think to recite Syahadah ad commit to Islam when you are about to die or at your golden age. Who knows whether you have the opportunity to do that? And remember, that even thought you are guaranteed to enter heavens, you still have to pay for you have done wrong during your life. Do you want to enter first or last?

So, recite “Laa Ilaaha Illallaah” and ask for His forgiveness while you still have your breath. Think about it.

Jumaat, Mei 05, 2006

What does the christians say about marriage?

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Tazkirah for dai'e

It had been a month since my last post. Sorry. Anyway, the tazkirah that i want to give is about doing what you have said. This is especially for those who called daie. Allah S.W.T said in the Holy Quran, As-Saff, verse 2 and 3 :

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لِمَ تَقُولُونَ مَا لا تَفْعَلُونَ
كَبُرَ مَقْتًا عِنْدَ اللَّهِ أَنْ تَقُولُوا مَا لا تَفْعَلُون
Which means : O you who believe! Why did you say that which you didn't do? Grievously odious is it in the sight of Allah that you say that which you didn't do.

Those words of Allah shows that, whatever we said to other people, we are first one to do it. For an example, you tell your friend to perform solat, but you yourself did not do it, so wait for Allah wrath. Maybe you can not it see now, but you will receive it afterward.

I know as daie, we always tell our mad'u to do good, devote themself to god and take Islam in his life, but before that check yourself first. Are you what you have said. If yes, it's good. If not, please take a mirror and take a good look at yourself. But this doesn't mean that when you're not good, you cannot be a daie. Rasulullah S.A.W have said :

"Ballighu anni walau ayat"
Spread from me even it is a word.

This tazkirah is also for me. So to all daie, seek for knowledge, and always remind yourself with this two verse. I hope we will all get benefit and His blessing in this life. Wallahua'lam.

Rabu, Mac 22, 2006

Fatwa #1

Main requisition to be a Muslim,

Question :
What is the requisition of a Muslim?

Answer :
The main requisition of a Muslim is to recite syahadatain, which is Asyhadu allaa ilaaha illallah, wa asyhadu anna muhammadar rasuulullah. Whoever recite and pledge on it, he is consider Islam. And he have to obey His (Allah's) order, even in the heart, he don't like it. Whatever he have in his heart, it's between him and the Al-Mighty God. The important things is, he perform prayer, fasting, zakat and other obligation.

In history, when Usamah, one of the sahabat, in a battlefield(I don't remember which battlefield), killed a person who have just said "Laa ilaaha ilallaah". Rasulullah (PBUH) blame him and said "You have killed him, when he just said Laa ilaaha ilallaah". Usamah said "He recite it because he was afraid of death". Then Rasulullah (PBUH) said "Do you know what is in his heart?".

In Musnad Al-Imam Ahmad, when the tribe of Tsaqif enters Islam, they make one condition, which is to free them from the obligation of sadaqah and jihad. Rasulullah (PBUH) said : "They will perform sadaqah and jihad". This means whether they like or not, they have to obey it, even there is no Al-Ikhlas (wiliness) in performing it. Wallahua'lam.

Selasa, Mac 21, 2006


Assalamualaikum wbt.
Before I start on posting the fatwa, I would like to tell you about the writer. He is Dr. Yusuf Abdullah Al-Qardhawi. He was born in 1926, in Sifit Turab, Egypt. At the age of 2, his father passed away and was taken by his uncle.
At the age of 5, he learn to write and memorised Al-Qurana and at te age of 7, he went for a school. He was so eager to learn a lot of things, even it is not in the sillibus. at the age of 10, he finished memorising Al-Quran, fluently and perfect in tajwid.
Because of his expertise in Quran, he was call 'Syeikh Qardhawi' and always being pick as imam in his village.
In 1952, he was accepted to further his study in University Al-Azhar in Cairo, in Islamic studies until he get Syahadah Aliyah (maybe it's the same as degree). Then, in 1957, he enter Ma'had al-Buhuts Wad Dirasat al-Arabiyah al-Aliyah, until he get a degree in language and literature.
In the same time, he take Quran and Sunnah Studies in Cairo, finished in 1960. In his intake, he was the only one who pass that subject (the exam was very tough).
And now he was known as a famous scholar and ulama'. He wrote a lot of book and article in the media, including the book i'm using (in malay : Fatawa Qardhawi - Permasalahan, pemecahan dan hikmah. Sorry).
He was inspired by Ibnu Taimiyah, Hasan al-Banna, Rashid Ridha and Sayid Sabiq. He don't people to narrow their thought and follow (taqlid) certain mazhab (school of teaching). He make islam easy, by looking the current situation.
Currently, he was the highest person in University of Qatar. He was also the director of 'Sunnah and History Of The Prophet Research Center' (Al-markaz Al-Buhuts Lis Sunnah was Sirat An-Nabawiyah) in the same university.

Back online!!

Allhamdulillah! Thank to god. Finally my computer is back online. I bought a new power supply and i hope same things did not happen twice in short period. Actually, in this blog, i don't want to stress on issues or something that happens around us. I want this blog to be place for us to share knowledge and wisdom and my aim is to spread Islam throughout the world and to all (that's why I make in English). Next post : Fatwa #1 from Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardhawi.

Selasa, Februari 21, 2006


Assalamualaikum wbt,
Sorry for not updating my blog. It's not that I did not have time, but actually my computer had become crazy and suddenly the power supply explode. Now I don't have sufficient money to buy a new power supply (and also to buy an UPS=Uninteruptable power supply, in order to prevent the same thing happen). So just wait for another post when i have buy a new power supply (when I get next month scholar). Actually, i'm now using a computer in the computer lab at my academic block. See ya!!

Selasa, Januari 31, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

Alhamdulillah, we have arrived to the new year. Yeah! our new year. We have arrived to the year of 1427H. What does this meant? In Gregory, like this year, 2006, it shows that it had been 2006 year since the birth of Jesus (for the christians). But what does it means by 1427? Who's birthday is this?

No! It's not a birthday. This is the day where our prophet, Muhammad (PBUH) migrate from his homeland to other place where the people believe and take a good care of him and the muslims. He migrate from Mecca to Madinah by the order of the Almighty Allah.

A brief story about this hijrah:
After 12 years of being a prophet, spreading the words of Allah, his people still did not believe in Islam. Only a few of them, mostly are the poor and the slave. Plus, he receive a lot threat from the kuffar. Despite that, he continues on his mission.

At that year, 12 people from Yathrib (old name for Madinah) came to Mecca to seek Rasulullah (PBUH). There are from two clan, which had been fighting for a long time. They heard about Islam and Rasulullah (PBUH), so they came to search for him in order to stop their war.

They met him at Aqabah to make an agreement. This agreement was called 'Baiatul Aqabah' and in this agreement, they promise to not to ally Allah with other, staling, commit adultery, kill their daughter and will always do good things. So, for their agreement, the prophet (PBUH) assured their place in heaven. Among those people are As'ad bin Zurarah and Ubadah bin Tsamit.

They went back to Yathrib and aggresively, spread about Islam throughout their clan. Also, they ask for a teacher to teach them, so he sent Mus'ab bin Umair.

Later, about 73 people (which has become a muslim) among 500 people (who came to do their pilgrimage, by mean of worshipping idol) came to mecca to make another agreement. They send a messenger to set a day for the agreement. It was on 13th of Zulhijjah at Aqabah.

At that night, the prophet (PBUH) and his uncle, Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib, were the first to arrive. The 71 men's and 2 women's group, lead by Burra' bin Ma'rur, promised Rasulullah (PBUH) and his believer, protection from the kuffar. He receive their oath, and make them do another 'Baiah' by placing their palm on top of his palm. He then asked them to choose 12 leader among them, as what prophet Musa (A.S) had done to the Israel, to ease their problems.

The news about the agreement between Rasulullah (PBUH) and the muslim from Yathrib had come to their ears. They were quite anxious and try to investigate this matter. They asked among the 500 people (but not the 73) but none of them knows about it as they meet at night while others was asleep. Regarding musyrikin investigation, the muslim had made decision to leave mecca as soon as possible.

As they rushed, leaving mecca, the musyrikin detected and try to catch them. but they only managed to catch Saad bin Ubadah and Manzar bin Umar, but later, Manzar was able to escape. Later, Saad was also released by Mut'am bin 'Adi, as Saad once saved his trades for thief at Yathrib.

This agreement, causing their torchery on the muslims increase. They asked the prophet to migrate to other placed, so the prophet ordered them to migrate to Yathrib. Upon hearing the order, they migrate to Yathrib at night through various way. At last, none of the muslim stay at mecca, except the prophet (PBUH), Abu Bakar, Ali and those in detention by their owner and sick.

The musyrikin made a decision to kill the prophet (PBUH). They gather some young and strong men. Jibril (A.S) sent the news upon the their strategy on killing him, so on that night, he ordered Ali to sleep in his bed and he sneak out while reciting Surah Yasin. All the men fell asleep.

In the morning, they woke up and found Ali, instead of the prophet (PBUH). The prophet (PBUH) went to Abu Bakar house, and together they leave mecca to Tsur cave, at the south of mecca, hiding in there. The musyrikin used the locater (person who are great in locating people) and found out that he had been into the cave. But with Allah's power the musyrikin did not believe as they see a lot of spider's web and bird's nest, uninterrupted.

For three days, they hid themselves in the cave and on the fourth day, Ali sent 3 camels and one guide, Uraiqit. They used the camel and make their journey of 400km to Yathrib at night and rest during the day.

Unexpected, there is a man saw the prophet, so he went back to report to the musyrikin. Suraqah bin Malik, who was greedy to get the reward of 100 camel for himself, refused the men's report and say that he did not see the real Muhammad (PBUH)

As he was chasing the prophet (PBUH), his horse collapse to the ground. He knew this was the work of the Almighty, and soon let the prophet (PBUH) t decide what to do to him. The prophet (PBUH) told him to go bak to Mecca and told the other to not to chase him. Hearing that, whenever he met others that try to chase the prophet (PBUH), he would say "There is no sign of him".

So, our prophet (PBUH) managed to save to migrate to Yathrib which is now called "Madinatul Munawwarah" means 'the town of light'. This history means a lot to us, and I hope you can get some good point from this story. Aww! I was so exhausted, but quite happy to finish this post. I want to sleep. See you in the next post. Syukran!

Isnin, Januari 30, 2006

Welcoming Speech

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Welcome to this blog I just created. There are reasons why I created this blog:
1) I was inspired by others blog especially carbonytte's blog (cause he is my friend). So, It's good to have another blog that can raise Islam online.
2) This is one way of the method to spread Islam's learning and some of my knowledge. One of the most famous hadith "Deliver it from me even a word" (is it corect, I mean my word not the hadith).
3) I can fulfill my responsibility as a daie in digital world.(^_^)
4) Actually, I'm a surf junky (means I like surfing the Internet, so my computer will be always online, but seldom in this semester. Study lah).

So, I hope you guys will gain benefit from this blog. I try to update this blog regularly and post some news or knowledge that I want to share. I will also use some books that I trust and share it with you guys. That's all from me. Wait for my next post. Bye.